When I had my twins, I knew I wanted another baby because I couldn’t handle the thought of them...
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Worth Every Penny Joycast
Joycast Podcast: Podcast
Episode 65: I Got Kicked Out of My Photography Studio. Here’s What I Did.
You don't need a photography studio to be a profitable professional portrait photographer. I'm...
Episode 64: Behind the Scenes of a $3,501.25 Portrait Order with Shalicia Johnson
Sarah Petty: In my community of professional photographers, we celebrate when people get...
Episode 63: How to Use the Parking Lot Tool When Life Gets In the Way of Your Photography Business
Major life changes. Whether we’ve planned for them or never saw them coming, we all experience...
Episode 62: Are You Embarrassed By How Little You Make from Your Photography?
Dear Photographer, I see the crazy hours you're putting in. I see the gorgeous images you create...
Episode 61: How to Take Your Clients’ Photography Orders from $200 – $2,000
Sarah Petty: Sometimes the thing that invigorates you to take action in your photography business...
Episode 60: I Stopped Making These 7 Excuses. Here’s What Happened
I grew up with an entrepreneurial father and had the benefit of watching him take...
Episode 59: How This Photographer Turned Her Portraits Into a New Car (and you can, too) with Jill Daugherty
My student, Jill Daughtery, was constantly frazzled, doubting herself and stretching herself thin....
Episode 58: How I do It: Boost Your Portrait Orders with These 4 Changes
Today is a special day because we are celebrating one year of this Joycast. I want to say thank...
Episode 186 – How Maegan Took My Free List of 77 Ways to Make Money and Made $4,480 in 7 Days!
Sarah Petty: Hi Maegan. Before we get into the really juicy stuff, tell me a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, your family, all those kinds of things. Maegan: My husband and I have been living in the Champaign, Illinois area for the past eight years. I...
Episode 185 – How 4 Clients Paid Tabitha $23,000 and Freed Her from the Day Job Grind!
Sarah Petty: I know a lot of you feel like you've tried so many things in your photography business. Maybe you started out doing free sessions to build your portfolio, and then maybe you got the confidence to charge a little bit and things changed. You realize that...
Episode 184 – One Conversation Starter Framework I Use to Talk to Anyone, Anytime
The most important skill for boutique portrait photographers to have is to be able to start conversations with people, whether you know them or not. You may be horrified at the thought of striking up a conversation with a stranger. The good news is that talking to...
The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!