I want to welcome all of my photographer friends back from Go Boutique Live with a special...
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Worth Every Penny Joycast
Joycast Podcast: Podcast
Episode 47: Photography Studio Manager Confessions: A Conversation with Andria, My Studio Manager
For the last 15 years, I've worked side by side with Andria, my studio manager. She started with...
Episode 46: How Debra Sold $10k of Portraits in 45 Days During a Pandemic
Before the pandemic, our Peak Performer of the Year, Debra Lawrence, was shooting 550 sessions a...
Episode 45: 6 Ways to Grow Thicker Skin When You Worry About Every Scenario
Do you find yourself worrying about every possible outcome in a given situation? Many...
Episode 44: The Top Secrets to Reaching $100K From My Yay Award Winners (Part 2)
At my event, Go Boutique Live, we honor photographers who have reached $100,000 in portrait sales...
Episode 43: The Top Secrets to Reaching $100K From My Yay Award Winners (Part 1)
At my annual event, Go Boutique Live, we honor boutique photographers with what are called YAY...
Episode 42: From Losing Her House to Selling $45,000 of Photography 3 Months. Here’s How.
Today I want to introduce you to a woman who will inspire you, no matter where you are in your...
Episode 41: How I Find Amazing Interns
One decision that has helped my business grow immensely is hiring interns. I've always loved...
Episode 40: How Allison Rebuilt Her Photography Business After Losing 75% of Her Clients
When Allison Gallagher made the switch from selling digital files into a boutique photography...
Episode 180 – How a Small Town Couple with 5 Kids Stopped Selling Digital Files & Had $12,620 in Photography Orders 53 Days Later
Sarah Petty: Six years into being photographers, Andy and Danielle felt like their photography business had run its course. The calls weren't coming in like they used to, and they had to pick up odd jobs to make ends meet. Then they made a big decision to go boutique,...
Episode 179 – 5 Things You’ll Hear About Starting a Photography Business that I Call BS On
Have you ever noticed when you talk about starting or growing your photography business, everyone wants to give their opinion? Today, I'm going to call BS on five things that you're probably hearing and give you what the facts are. People love you and they want to...
Episode 178 – This Hair & Make-Up Artist Started a Photography Business. Here’s What Happened.
Sarah Petty: Krystina Siwinski had been working as a hair and makeup artist for 20 years, and she realized it wasn't sustainable for the next 25. So photography became her new goal. She hasn't even been in business a whole year, yet she got her first $1,500 order...
The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!