Climb Up to Higher Ground | A Helpful Business Marketing Strategy

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute


When you look at your business and make decisions on your goals and your marketing and promotional plans are you looking at it from the trenches? Are you making decisions based on what you are seeing when you work in your business? Letting your day-to-day experiences cloud your judgment? Reacting to whatever squeaky wheel that’s acting up today?

Or do you step up to higher ground, knowing you can get a better perspective of your business from there? Sarah and I call this going up to 30,000 feet. We have to make a conscious effort to do it, especially when we’re super busy, but it’s a business marketing strategy that we have to pay attention to. The work has to get done so it’s easy to go head down in the trenches. It’s fulfilling. It’s where you can cross things off your to do list. You can see progress in the trenches because you’re actually the one making the progress. Yet are you making progress toward the right goal?

You’ve probably heard the saying, you can’t see the forest for the trees. Until you climb up to higher ground, you can’t see the tree that may be in your way. You can’t see that there is a better path to your end game. You can’t see what competitors are doing that may impact your journey. When was the last time you went up to 30,000 feet? Make time to climb that higher ground a few times a month. Put it on your calendar. The life of your business depends on it.


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