A quick share from my travels last week. I dined at a quick pasta place in Portland, Oregon, a mecca of great design in my opinion. The restuarant I visited didn't stop at a great logo and signage. They carried their quirky, old style brand through in their comment card and sign up card for their loyalty program. Their comment card didn't just say "How'd We Do?" instead it said "Was It a great ride? Or did we have a flat?" This piece engaged me, made me smile and succeeded in getting me to interact with their brand when I otherwise wouldn't have.
It's easy to overlook these secondary pieces in small busienss and do the minimum here with creative and design. Of course we put countless hours in the design of our logo, establishing marketing piece, promotional marketing materials, business cards and website. But when it comes to these secondary pieces that are 'nice to have' will a simple postcard suffice to collect the information you want? Sure!
However, in a boutique business, one that doesn't compete on price, each piece that carries your name, your logo and your brand that your clients come in contact with should do more than just function. It should reinforce your brand, thereby adding value to your products and services. That's one fundamental difference between you and 99.9% of your competitors. That attention to detail. That thought and consistency with every single material that carries your logo and your business name.
Think twice before you put out the same old same old that looks like what everyone else does, even if it is a minor piece of the puzzle. It's these details that set the boutique business owner apart and let them command more for their products and services.