Ever feel like you could use a partner?

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them.  -Henry Ford

Not a day goes by that I don’t have a question or problem in my business that could benefit from an outside perspective.

Questions like “What is the BEST way to monetize an opportunity presented by a local business that wants to partner” to “Which promotional idea will bring the most cash flow quickly.” I constantly reach out to others for their perspective, simply to make sure I’m on the right path in my business.

I’ve had several requests in the last year from photography business owners looking for personal advice on their most pressing business issues. Different from education like Cafe Joy and my other products, many of you need answers to your IMMEDIATE questions.

A day of coaching with me one-on-one is a $3,500 investment. Many coaching programs require an annual commitment and an even larger dollar investment. My coaching community is an opportunity for you affordably gain a decision making partner.

Here’s how I can help you. For ONLY three months (Jan – March 2010), I’m offering this coaching community on a VERY limited basis. Available to 25 photography business owners in the world, this is your opportunity to resolve your business issues quickly and get a jump start on the new year. We’ll become your partner for strategic decisions that affect the growth of your business. From pricing strategy, promotional ideas, customer service, hiring and more, The Photography Business Institute is qualified to help with your biggest challenges.

The Joy to the World coaching community membership will include:

  • Monthly problem solving call with Sarah Petty and The Photography Business Institute team
  • Priority access to The Photography Business team via email
  • Market exclusivity – no other photographer will be accepeted into the program within 25 miles of your studio
  • Private forum for you to discuss your most pressing issues with other members of the community
  • Educational vault access to all of our Photography Business Institute webinars, Meaty Marketing, Sizzlin’ Strategies for duration of 3 month coaching program
  • Cafe Joy membership if you are not already a member

With this program, you have the opportunity to not only access my
team for your strategic decisions, but also a community of other like-minded business owners who are facing similar challenges.

If this sounds like something you need to take your business to the next level, watch this video now to learn more from me about our new coaching program.

Through the end of the year (12/31/09),  join The Photography Business Institute coaching community for $699 / month (reg. $799 per month). And if you’re a Cafe Joy member, you can join for just $599 per month, plus your $35 / month Cafe Joy membership fee.

Call to apply for admittance to the coaching community 9am and 5pm CST at 866.544.JOYS (5697).

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