Marketing Help: Everything I Learned About Marketing

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Click on Everything I learned About Marketing to read full blog post.

Recently, two Cafe Joy members shared the story of how they are growing their businesses with a journalist from the American Express Open Forum. The article, 20 Important Lessons I Learned from my Marketing Mentor featured successful small business owners sharing their story of the first person who opened their eyes to a new way of thinking about marketing. From Seth Godin to Jay Abraham, relatives, professors and even Sarah Petty and The Photography Business Institute (yay!), these 20 tips are a fun read and are a peak inside who other successful business owners are studying.


Out of twenty business owners chosen to be featured, it’s amazing that TWO were Cafe Joy members! Both Lora Carr and Jason Cannon, shared what they’ve learned in their years in business from The Photography Business Institute and the marketing help they received.  We are so humbled to be considered in the same company as many of the great marketing minds of all time.

If you haven’t yet, check out the Open Forum. It’s an awesome community for small business owners that provides tools to connect and collaborate and articles from small business experts to get you inspired.

And tell us here, what is the most important lesson you learned from your marketing mentor and who was it? We’d love to hear from you. Just log in to post a comment on the blog. The best comment will win a special something from Photography Business Institute.


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