First Cafe Joy Members’ Only Teleseminar NOW in Resources Tab!

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Friday’s members’ only teleseminar was fantastic. We spoke with Dan Ablan, a member who is opening his first retail studio on Monday! We had fantastic questions from our members and I also introduced our latest addition to the team, Erin Verbeck. Erin will be our new CJO, Chief Joy Officer and will be focusing on getting The Pantry stocked and rocking with goodies. Her first day is June 8 so shoot her a welcome email at if you have a minute.

Check out our famous member, Dan Ablan’s latest book here:

Setting a Path for Growth: Scaling Up Your Photography Business

As photographers, we fill many different roles. We are creative ideas people, business owners, marketing managers, customer service providers, image editors and more. In addition to all the hats we wear as photographers, many of us are also spouses, parents and...

Essential Costs When Starting a Photography Business

While a career in photography will let you showcase your skills and creativity, there are also many, often less glamorous, things to consider when starting a photography business. Financial planning is crucial for any business venture. You must know and budget for all...

Help Your Portrait Subjects Shine with Expert Direction

The best photographic portraits show off their subjects’ personalities. Getting this right can be tricky and will take the knowledge and practice of posing and giving clear direction. Learning how to direct your clients will help them shine through their photographs...