Boutique Marketing: Generate Publicity for your Business

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Getting publicity for your small business can seem like a daunting task, but when you land a great story the payoff can be HUGE! And the best part, it costs little to nothing other than your time pitching the media unless you hire a public relations firm for your boutique marketing.

Sometimes it’s hard to talk about ourselves and our businesses without feeling like we’re bragging. But put yourself in the place of the viewers or listeners of your favorite local media outlets that reach your target audience. Think of challenges or desires they have in their lives that your product, service or expertise can solve. Rather than bragging about your business offerings, think of publicity as offering an interesting solution to their problems or desires.

I get it. The media can seem unreachable and even intimidating. But really, they’re people, too, who are trying to do a good job providing interesting stories to their audience. So if you have an interesting story to tell that their audience would enjoy, you make their lives easier. So take a deep breath, spend a little time thinking about how you can help the media (while helping your business) and take the leap by writing a few pitch letters.

If you’re wondering what a pitch letter should include, check out this interview I recently did with Kristin Marquet, owner of boutique public relations firm Marquet Communications in Manhattan. Kristin specializes in helping boutique business owners get publicity, but she’s shared a few of her do-it-yourself secrets for readers of our blog. And she even shares how to get a free sample of a pitch letter she has used for her clients that has gotten a 95% reponse rate. So take a listen to find out how you can generate publicity for your business.

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