Brand Building Your Photography Business

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

On Monday, we had the pleasure of meeting 250 or so awesome photographers / small business owners at Skip’s Summer School in Las Vegas. Many in the audience were beginners, just getting their start and even holding down a full time job will following their passion after hours. I have to give them a hand, as several really impressed us with their dedication to their logo and brand building not to mention that they made a choice to invest in education early on!

We thought it would be fun to share these fun names or logos that were the best of the best we came across at Summer School. Congratulations to Pepper Cherry Photo, Jamie Neilsen Photography and Happy Monday Photography for not only getting education that will catapult your business to success, but also for your creativity in use of typography in your logo design (Jamie Neilsen Photography) but in your studio naming (Happy Monday and Pepper Cherry).

If you’re struggling with your logo / identity, check out our Meaty Marketing series.  This incredible collection of 7 cds is power-packed with all you need to know to master marketing for your business. And we’ll even extend our Skip’s Summer School special of $200 off if you use the code MEATY200 through August 16, 2010.

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