How Ron Nichols Overcame his Fear of Selling

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute


As most of you have heard, we have a huge, free, online event coming up on 10.10.10 just for photographers.

One of our featured speakers is Ron Nichols. Many of you may know Ron as the past president of Professional Photographers of America. Ron is a genius when it comes to studio sales processes, yet it wasn’t always that way. We asked Ron how he overcame his fear of selling. You may be surprised at his answer.

Ron:  I overcame my fear of selling when I realized that I was a professional and I deserved to drive the same types of cars, send my kid to the good schools and enjoy the fruits of life just like the doctors, lawyers and professional’s buying my images.

I love Ron’s answer. Sometimes we think we don’t deserve what our clients have, maybe because we’re just starting out, maybe because we’re only part time. Or maybe because we love what we do so much it just doesn’t seem fair to get paid so much for doing it. But that’s simply not the case.

When you tune in to the 10.10.10 SalesSummit, you’ll learn from top-grossing photography business owners Kevin
Kubota, Kia Bondurant, Jessica Claire, Julia Woods, Tim and Bev Walden,
Sandy Puc, Joy Bianchi-Brown and Jules Bianchi, Scott & Adina Hayne,
Sarah Petty, & Ron Nichols how they overcame their fear of selling and the processes they use in their photography businesses to make a good living doing what they love.

Register today for the 10.10.10 SalesSummit. Or, if you know you can’t attend, take advantage of the pre-purchase sale of the recordings of this event, available immediately for download, for just $59. You’ll save $40 by purchasing before 10.10.10.

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