How to Market Photography: A 15 Minute Tip

How to Market Photography: A 15 Minute Tip


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Ever wonder how to market photography… without having to spend even more time away from your family?

Not all of your photography marketing activities need to take a lot of time or a large marketing budget.

Even spending 15 minutes weekly on the right marketing activities can build momentum in your business and get the phone ringing with clients.

As your photography business picks up or the kids are home for the summer, it’s easy to stop doing the little things you need to that keep your calendar booked with sessions all year round. If you don’t want to look up later this year with no clients on the book and are short on time right now, here’s a quick how to market photography tip to help you build a database of quality clients you can sell your photography to, one at a time.

Add 5 New Prospects to Your Database

Take 15 minutes and add 5 new potential clients to your database by listening for opportunities on social media.

It doesn’t mean you’re going to market to these people now. Sure you can if you’re slow now, but what you’re doing here is focusing on building an arsenal of potential clients to market to when things get slow.

Here are things to look for:

How to Market Photography: A 15 Minute Tip

Pet portraits are a fun way to generate revenue in the slow season


1) If you see that a good client’s sister is pregnant or has just added a new fur baby to her family, send her a gift certificate for a session or service or make a note in your database to do this down the road.






How to Market Photography: A 15 Minute Tip

Extended family portraits are great for when families are visiting over the holidays


2)  When a good client’s extended family comes to town for the holidays, offer to extend your hours so they can bring their entire family in for a private, VIP service. You’ll get orders from extended family members who you hadn’t ever photographed.




3) If a past bride’s best friend gets engaged, reach out to your bride contact with congratulations and offer to provide a list of great new vendors you’ve started working with to help the bride get started on with her planning. Your client looks like a rock star and you have a foot in the door for a potential new client.


How to Market Photography: A 15 Minute Tip

Portrait parties can introduce you to new potential clients


4) When a client’s daughter makes the cheer squad, note this in your database. Then, reach out and offer to host a portrait party for the entire team to celebrate the start of the season. You get exposure to the entire squad and can get some great shots, too.




5) If a client is volunteering at an upcoming community charity event, make a note of it. When business is slow, see if the charity is looking for auction donations or charitable marketing partnerships? By putting yourself where your clients are, you’re in position to add clients just like them to your database.

Little opportunities to prospect for new clients can add thousands of dollars to your bottom line.

There is no magic mailing list you can rent of new clients who will invest in photography.

Your best new clients will be referrals from existing clients. Use social media to prospect for new client opportunities with your existing clients.

If you’re looking for more ways to market your photography business, subscribe to the Worth Every Penny podcast.

Each episode is packed with marketing tips and inspiring success stories from my students. Join us and start building momentum in your photography business today!



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