Brand Building: Time for a Rebrand?

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

In this week’s, Small Business Marketing Ideas Podcast, Sarah and I discuss five times in your small business when you should consider new brand building from the ground up.

Believe it or not, just because you’re sick of your logo or business name and maybe feel it doesn’t resonate with your target audience doesn’t mean that your customers are or that you need to rebrand your business.

Here are our top 5 scenarios for rebranding:

1) If your customers or potential customers have a different perception of your business than you want them to have.

2) If you have new ownership or are bringing in an important partner who could elevate the status of your brand.

3) Your customers crave more of YOU in your business, or you’re in an industry where you need to be the face of the business for growth.

4) There has been bad publicity or a public misstep that has muddied your brand and what it stands for.

5) You have multiple versions of your logo, a url that doesn’t match your business name, or other conflicts in your existing branding.

If either of these instances sound familiar, tune in now to learn more. We also cover a few tips for making sure you ace the rebranding process and make it as painless and straightforward to your clients as possible. And if you haven’t already, subscribe to our podcast in itunes so you get the latest episodes automatically as soon as we publish them every few weeks. Enjoy!

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