Joy to the World Websummit interview with David Jay

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

I asked the fabulous David Jay, top photographer, speaker and educator a few questions recently when we were preparing for him to participate in The Joy to the World Websummit. David is one of the 28 incredible speakers at our FREE event on December 28, 2009. This photo was taken in his first office. We all start somewhere, even the famous David Jay!

Q:  What do you wish you would’ve known when you started your business?
A:  I wish I knew something

Q:  What is one interesting fact that people don’t know about you?
A:  I dropped out of college.

Q:  What is the best advice you have ever been given regarding your business and by whom?
A:  My dad sat me down when I was 16 and said “If you truly make your business about helping other people you’ll always have plenty of work.”

Q:  If you weren’t a photographer, what would you do for a living?
A:  Since I’m not anymore I guess I can answer this easily 🙂 … I enjoy helping other photographers create more freedom in their life.

Q:  Who are some of your mentors?
A:  Deyl Kearin, Phil Jay, Sean Lionello, Jeff Jochum, Gary Fong, Mike Colon, Dane Sanders

Q:  Please share anything else you think would be fascinating to help photographers market their business:
A:  Don’t be boring

If you haven’t yet, make sure you register today for our Joy to the World Websummit FREE websummit where you’ll hear more from David Jay, Jerry Ghionis, Marcus Bell, Rod Evans, Alycia Alvarez and MORE!


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