Kay Eskridge – Joy to the World Websummit

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Something Kay Eskridge is most grateful for while being in the industry for over 23 years, is being given the chance to become part of her clients’ lives and watching
families grow. She has seen newborns become children, who grow into teenagers, then evolve into young adults and begin their own families. Read more about Kay in my brief Q and A. And if you haven’t had the chance, check out Kay’s Throw a Party Kit  DVD at https://photographybusinessinstitute.com/. It’s only available until 11:59 pm on 1/1/10 so be sure to check it out!

Q: What do you wish you would’ve known when you started your business?

A: That being a professional photographer was NOT just about ‘taking pretty pictures’… It was about being a smart business person, understanding how important customer care is, being willing to evolve and adapt and that it would NOT be easy.

Q: What is one interesting fact that people don’t know about you?

A: I have photographed 4 Presidents of the United States.

Q: What is the best advice you have ever been given regarding your business and by

A: To use my heart before I see with my eyes… from my mother.

Q: If you weren’t a photographer, what would you do for a living? 

A: I honestly don’t know.  I’ve never even considered being anything but a photographer.

Q: Who are some of your mentors?

A: Saying Sarah Petty would be just plain old sucking up 🙂 Michael Taylor taught me how to ‘see’ light, Tony Corbell showed me how to ‘use the light’, Ann Montieth taught
me how to use my brain as a business person, Helen Yancy reminded me to always take time to do something just for myself, Lori Nordstrom reminds me to use my heart, Joe Paglia showed me that I ‘could’ and Dave Junion reminds me how to ‘play’.

Q: Please share anything else you think would be fascinating to help photographers market their business:

A: Partnership marketing is invaluable! Create relationships with other businesses that have your same target market and cross promote, design displays, offer to help them with their photography needs, etc.  This will help you reach your ‘perfect client’ without investing in wasted advertising dollars.  Value yourself, your time, your skills and your talent! You are one of the world’s record keepers and what you are and do is important! 

The Joy to the World FREE Websummit
has ended, but you can still grab all 14 hours of the recording, plus action steps from many of our speakers and transcripts of the event for $124 here! https://photographybusinessinstitute.com/.

And we’re inching closer to our goal of 100 smiles for PPA Charities. We’re halfway there.  Learn more about how you can make the difference for a child in need at www.thejoyofmarketing.com/100smiles.


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