Make Calling a Client a New Small Business Strategy Goal.

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

It’s Monday. The day is half over. When was the last time you picked up the phone and called a client for no reason? To start your week off with a blast, what I want you to do right now is to go through your database and find a recent client. Call her and ask how her order was. Listen to what she is saying. Take notes and enter it into your database program. If there is anything you need to get, find or follow up with, do it IMMEDIATELY after you get off the phone. Ask if she has any friends who have been needing your services. SUCH an important small business strategy.  This is so important to build rapport and learn what your clients think of you after the sale. I would love for you to make a habit of doing this every Monday and who knows, this might even start to fill up your sales funnel!


Go do this now and please share the results here. Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog too so you can engage with others who are building a successful business.

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