A “Fresh” Business Marketing Strategy

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

If you have a retail space or if your clients come to your home, it is important to SHOW them you have fresh and creative products and services as much as you tell them. I love to have fresh flowers and even grass inside my studio (and while clients typically don’t come to my home, it makes me so happy to have them there too). These activities are part of your business marketing strategy and branding because they form the perceptions of those who visit you and create value for your products and services. Which business are you willing to spend more money at? The one with outdated stuff or the one with hip designs and fresh flowers? Use this marketing idea to create excitement with your clients and help reinforce the value of your brand.

– Grab a fresh flower bundle at your local grocery store. These are typically under $10. We divide up the flowers into small vases and spread them around our space. We try to buy the flowers that last the longest.

– Grow them! I fill my yard with perennials that cut well – daisies, peonies, etc. I love to throw a pack or two of zinnia seeds each year too as they last a long time in a vase and make a happy impression on my clients.

– Consider grass! I plant grass seed sometimes in random containers. This is great in the winter when everything is dull and dreary.

– Build a relationship with a local flower shop. Maybe you can trade your services for flowers every few weeks. This could be a great situation for both of you!


What are you doing to freshen your brand and marketing with little things like fresh flowers? Love for you to share!!! Don’t forget to subscribe to the Photography Business Institute blog where we provide bite-sized thoughts and ideas to help your business 4-5 days a week.


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