Free Marketing for Photographers: Send a Personal Note

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

How do you find clients who are willing to actually pay for photography, when so many people are giving it away or selling digital files for cheap?

That’s the subject of this case study where I show you one of my favorite ideas that is completely free marketing for photographers. It starts with this question…

What kind of photography marketing works to bring in high-end clients?

Most people who teach how to get photography clients will point you to social media as the only free marketing for photographers. Their marketing consists of:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Snapchat

But, what I’ve found is that those are precisely the same photography marketing tools that every single “photographer” in your market is using.


It’s not because they are the best platforms and tools for attracting high-end photography clients.

It’s because they are FREE and EASY to use.

And with anything that is as easy as simply posting an image of a recent client session with searchable tags, it just doesn’t work as effectively for finding that perfect client who will invest thousands of dollars in your portrait photography.

Much of my success in finding high-end photography clients comes from doing things that my competitors won’t do.

So let’s dig into the case study now so you can run with this free marketing for photographers!

GOAL: Get a Past Client to Book a Session for their High School Senior Daughter

Free Marketing for Photographers: Send a Personal Note

Recognizing high school students with hand-written notes for their accomplishments is an effective photography marketing idea.

Step 1: Recognize an Opportunity

When reading the local newspaper, I saw that one of my client’s teenage daughters was featured for her sports accomplishments.

I was a sports kid, and I remember a few adults reaching out with notes of congratulations for my team and I when we did well in high school.

Free Marketing for Photographers: Send a Personal Note

Teenagers get very little hand-written mail. So, when you send them something, it’s certain to get their attention.

It meant so much to me when someone that wasn’t a family member recognized my hard work and accomplishments. I will never forget those people and how great they made me feel.

I want to give that same experience to other teenagers when they excel in school, sports or other activities.

So, I chose to send a hand-written note instead of an email. Because teenagers receive VERY little hand-written mail, I knew it would stand out.

(If you want to know more ideas that I use to find high-end photography clients, sign up for my upcoming webinar here)


Step 2: Write a Simple 60 Word Note: (totally free marketing for photographers)

Free Marketing for Photographers: Send a Personal Note

I use press printed cards from whcc that feature my photography when writing notes to prospective clients. This free marketing for photographers regularly brings me new clients.

I pulled out a whcc notecard that featured an image from a favorite high school senior session and started writing.

My note did three simple things in just 60 words:

  • Acknowledged her accomplishment
  • Expressed my joy for her
  • Planted the seed for a future photography session

You can download the entire note I sent here.

Step 3: The Result

Several months later, the mom made an appointment for both family photos and senior pictures. She said that her daughter wouldn’t quit talking about coming in for a session until she had actually made the appointment!

After putting the client through my photography selling system, I had a $10,750.32 order.

Free Marketing for Photographers: Send a Personal Note

One simple note made a teen feel special, so she begged her mom for a photo session.

These activities that are completely free marketing for photographers aren’t hard. And they definitely aren’t expensive. However, most photographers won’t put in the legwork to write personalized notes to potential clients.

Have you tried writing notes to reach out to high-end photography clients and prospects? What has your experience been with this photography marketing strategy? I’d love to hear your thoughts! So, please leave a comment below to let me know.

Free Marketing for Photographers: Send a Personal Note

Want to download my entire photography marketing Case Study on on how one 60-word note got me a $10,750.32 portrait client and became free marketing for photographers?

You can grab it here now!

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