Songs that Sell: How to Build Your In-Person Sales Soundtrack

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Part of learning how to grow your photography business is working on your in-person sales.

Everything from lighting to language to the location of your in-person ordering appointment can influence how much your clients ultimately decide to invest, but did you know that music can play an important role in your presentation, too?

There are countless lists full of recommended photography sales techniques floating around the internet, but no one seems to address the incredible potential of a great sales-boosting soundtrack.

Here is a look at why music matters and how you can incorporate your favorite tracks –and maybe a few of mine, too into your next in-person photography sales appointment.

The Science of Music and Buyer Behavior

Whether you’re picking out some produce in the grocery store, browsing the shoe selection in a department store, or waiting on hold with your favorite mail order company,

you’re likely hearing the soft, tinkling sounds of a non-obtrusive soundtrack playing away in the background.

There’s a reason for this: study after study has shown that music can influence the buying habits of listeners, and different types of music may have different effects.

  • Study participants listening to country music were more likely to pay higher prices for practical products such as office supplies and basic toiletries. Those listening to classical music were more likely to pay more for high-end luxury products like jewelry and cologne.
  • Scientists found that people were more open to suggestion if they listened to music that matched whatever item was being sold. For instance, businesses selling Italian vacation properties might play stereotypically Italian music in the background.

What does all this mean for those of us wondering how to make money as a photographer? Basically, it means that music can be an incredibly useful sales tool.

The first time you show your customers their images, use in-person sales software like ProSelect to turn those images into a movie. Set the movie you’ve created to music, taking care to select songs that evoke emotion.

Those songs can be fast, slow, or somewhere in between the important thing is that they help your clients connect with the images they’re viewing.

I only use music for the actual presentation of images during the in-person ordering appointment, but by using the right music, the emotion it inspires will linger for the duration.

It’s a simple strategy, but one that may go a long way towards boosting your photography sales average.

Soundtrack Suggestions-How to Use Music to Boost Your Photography Sales

Songs that Sell: How to Build Your In-Person Sales Soundtrack

Create in-person sales presentations that are true multi-sensory experiences with songfreedom.

Songfreedom allows you to combine your own imagery with music from a wide variety of genres so you can put together in-person sales presentations that are true multi-sensory experiences.

Use their library to pick and choose the songs you think will best set the mood or just grab a few of my favorites here below:

Songs that Sell: How to Build Your In-Person Sales Soundtrack

This bubbly pop song is perfect as a backdrop for a senior portrait session.

This bubbly pop song is the perfect backdrop for a senior portrait session featuring an equally bubbly girl and plenty of happy outdoor images.

Songs that Sell: How to Build Your In-Person Sales Soundtrack

Enchant your little clients with this cute song.

The only thing cuter than this adorable coming-of-age song is the baby, toddler, or young child starring in the series of photos you’ll be projecting as it plays in the background.

Songs that Sell: How to Build Your In-Person Sales Soundtrack

Create an ambiance of togetherness in your in-person photography sales presentation with Justin James A Beautiful Life.

This song truly plucks at your heartstrings, making it ideal for sit-downs with extended family. Grandma and Grandpa are almost guaranteed to tear up and they won’t want to miss out on photos starring their children, grandchildren and other loved ones.

Songs that Sell: How to Build Your In-Person Sales Soundtrack

Play this song during an in-person ordering appointment and watch the ear-to-ear grins that are sure to follow.

It’s practically impossible to listen to this One Republic anthem and not be overwhelmed by the feeling that you’re truly lucky to be alive and surrounded by the best family and friends anyone could ask for.

Who wouldn’t want photographic evidence to remind them of such happy times?

Play this song during an in-person ordering appointment and bask in the ear to-ear grins and some pretty impressive sales that are sure to follow.

Songs that Sell: How to Build Your In-Person Sales Soundtrack

Give parents this upbeat song while viewing their newborn or baby images.

While viewing their newborn or baby images, new parents need something upbeat and cute to highlight their happiest moments and to help keep them awake!

This Amos Lee ditty fits that bill perfectly, and even the more tired mamas and papas will find themselves tapping their toes as they peruse your best images of their little miracle.

What are your favorite songs? Help us build the best in-person photography sales soundtrack around by sharing your personal favorites via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag  #SarahPettySoundtrack.

Songs that Sell: How to Build Your In-Person Sales Soundtrack

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