Tim and Bev Walden Share the Single Most Important Thing Photographers Need to Know About Sales

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

As one of the very first professional photography studios Sarah Petty studied with, she’s always had the utmost respect for Tim and Bev Walden. And if you’ve ever met them, you likely agree. Tim and Bev are kind, generous and extremely talented. Together, this husband and wife team have won every award imaginable for their photography, but even more importantly, their studio, Walden’s Photography, is an amazingly successful small business in Lexington, Kentucky.

Tim and Bev attribute much of their success to their ability to SELL. We are so excited to have them as a featured speaking team for our upcoming free online event, the 10.10.10 SalesSummit.


We recently asked Tim and Bev what they think is the single most important thing photographers need to know about

Waldens:  Photographers
need to know that selling must be a simple and easy process. Most photographers
have a process that is complicated and frustrating to the client with too many
choices to make in the allotted time. That leaves the client confused and
tired, often ending with the client saying they need to go home and think about it.

When a client gives you that response, they really mean you lost the sale.  The client will lower their
purchase more and more each day they are “thinking about it.” Our message to all photographers is this:  SIMPLIFY YOUR PRICING STUCTURE, YOUR PRODUCTS AND YOUR SALES

On 10.10.10, Tim and Bev Walden will be teaching how to shoot to sell at The Photography Business Institute‘s 10.10.10 Salessummit. This event is free from 10 am to 10 pm and features 10 of the top-grossing photography business owners teaching YOU how to succeed in sales. Register today for free. If you can’t attend on 10.10.10, you can pre-purchase the recordings of this event for just $59 through October 9, 2010 and receive priority access to the $10 sales tools our speakers have put together to help you increase your sales averages.

More about Tim and Bev Walden:

Tim and Beverly both hold the degrees of Master and Craftsman from the Professional
Photographers of America. In addition, Tim holds the coveted Fellowship degree
from the American Society of Photographers, joining an exclusive group of less
than 100 photographers who have attained this level of excellence in their
photography. Tim currently serves on the Executive Board of the Professional
Photographers of America, a 22,000 member organization. Both Tim and Beverly’s
photography have won numerous awards, they are both Imaging Excellence
recipients and they are privileged to be among a handful of photographers on
Kodak’s Mentor team. They are national and international teachers and recently
won the Gerhard Bakker Award for outstanding service through education. They
are both members of Society of XXV, an international organization that promotes
excellence in professional photography.

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