Professional Photographers Deliver 104 Smiles to Children Affected with Cleft Palate Syndrome

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Springfield, IL (June 13, 2017) - Photography Business Institute, a business training company for professional photographers, raised an impressive $25,000 over the course of May 2017 for PPA Charities and Operation Smile. PPA Charities is a non-profit organization that supports several charitable causes including Operation Smile which helps children affected with cleft palate syndrome by sponsoring their surgical treatment.

The charity funds were raised during the online event, The Photography Selling Challenge, which launched on May 1 through May 9, 2017 and was sponsored by the Photography Business Institute and America’s premier professional photography lab, White House Custom Colour. Thousands of professional photographers participated in the seven-day online event, which included live coaching, exercises and peer support. The challenge aimed to help photographers overcome their fear of selling and gain the confidence necessary to sell their photography without resorting to high-pressure sales tactics.

The cost of a cleft palate surgery through Operation Smile is approximately $240 dollars. With $25,000 raised during the event, participating professional photographers helped bring smiles to 104 children around the world.

“Photography Business Institute set out with a goal of raising $25,000 for PPA Charities this year,” said Sarah Petty, the company founder. “I’m proud that we were able to raise that amount just in time for National Smile Day. By raising these funds for PPA Charities, we’re helping children affected by cleft lip syndrome with the surgical treatment they need. This could not have been possible without the amazing support of our participants, partners and students.”

Photography Business Institute’s Chief Joy Officer, Erin Verbeck said, “June 15th is National Smile Power Day - a day when everyone can show the world how powerful the act of smiling really is. Unfortunately for some children affected by cleft lip syndrome, that simple act of smiling just isn’t a possibility for them. I’m so proud of our community to be able to raise $25,000 to bring smiles to those children affected by cleft lip.

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