Starting with the End in Mind with Joy and Jules

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

The first time I heard Joy Bianchi-Brown and Jules Bianchi was at Kevin Kubot’s Photographers Ignite at WPPI this past March. Needless to say, I was blown away by their 5 minute presentation. They definitely have that twin connection which is always fun to see in action. But not only that, they have created a rocking small business and the tips they share about the in-person client consultation are fantastic. Their delivery is entertaining, too!

One of my favorite strategies Joy and Jules share is their philosophy that it’s better to spend an extra 45 minutes up front with a client in a consultation and find out that you aren’t a fit for each other than to waste time on a shoot, edit and sales presentation, only to end up empty handed because you didn’t properly qualify them to begin with.

Here’s a quick sneak peek of today’s 101010 SalesSummit presentation from Joy & Jules where they talk about why it’s so important to start the in-person consultation with the end in mind.

Be sure to tune in at 12 pm CST today to hear more from Joy and Jules. Or you can listen in at your leisure on Sunday, 10.17.10 from 10 am to 10 pm CST, to all 10 incredible photography business owners share their top tips for how you can improve your sales process and make more money QUICKLY! If you haven’t already, register here.

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