Studio Creative TODAY

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute




To keep the wheels turning, it is important to stop, pull everyone together (or if you are working alone, to go hide from the phone and email) and make a plan. We are spending the afternoon with entire Sarah Petty Photography team to work on creative and planning for the next six months. Here’s what we are working on:

– Template ideas for our studio (and for all of you!!!!)

– Website critique and finalizing NEW COMPETITION that starts next week!

– Fall studio promotional plan – how will we get people into the studio

– Co-marketing event with pet veterinary clinic. How do we convert to sales

– Making the decision whether or not to have a trade show booth at Imaging USA in Nashville in January

Hope your planning is going well too!



5 Tips to Get Your Photography Business Holiday-Ready

As the days grow shorter and the weather grows colder, we are reminded that the season for holiday portraits is coming up fast. It’s a crazy time for everyone but especially for portrait photographers. It seems like every family needs last-minute portraits. So, as...

Top 5 Ways Workshops Can Transform Your Photography Business

Whether you’re just starting a photography business or feeling like you're in a rut, a photography workshop can provide education and inspiration. Every photographer has room to grow and learn new skills. Let's look at five ways attending a live or virtual photography...

Setting a Path for Growth: Scaling Up Your Photography Business

As photographers, we fill many different roles. We are creative ideas people, business owners, marketing managers, customer service providers, image editors and more. In addition to all the hats we wear as photographers, many of us are also spouses, parents and...