Small Business Blog: How To Set Yourself Apart

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Small Business Blog

About six months ago, I read about a guy who had been wildly successful in business. The secret to his success…following up. He was so meticulous about following up that he’d go so far to send a Fed Ex package to make sure they paid attention to his message (context appropriate of course).

Following up is something you can do to set yourself apart from not only the big guys (can you imagine Macy’s calling to see if you had found a dress for the wedding you were shopping for last week), but also your competitors. When your phone isn’t ringing and people aren’t coming in the door, pick up the phone and call your clients to see how they are. When you are the face of your business, you are expected to have more personal relationships with your clients.

A quick phone call to say “Hey, my daughter just lost her front teeth and I did the cutest session with her the other day to celebrate her missing teeth. I know your daughter
Amanda is the same age and I thought of you. You guys should come in and do the same!” Or even, “I was driving by your neighborhood yesterday
and thought of you guys. How has your summer been? The kids are growing up fast aren’t they?” You don’t have to be pushy. You don’t have to have an offer. You don’t have to SELL them anything. Just practice being a good friend to your clients. It’s what will set you apart.

Remember, people don’t think of your business 24/7 like you do. They need a reminder. So pick up the phone!

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