Top Blogs Every Entreprenuer Should Read

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

There’s so much information out there today it’s hard to decide what’s worth your time to read. Every day I get so many RSS feeds of new blog posts that I end up ignoring most of them (except for Seth Godin of course). We believe it’s so important to read what people outside of our specific industry are doing in order to gain perspective and inspiration for new ideas.

As entrepenuers, Inc Magazine does a great job focusing on what’s important to those of us who own our own businesses. They recently published the top 19 smartest blogs for entrepenuers. It’s worth checking out and might save you some time filtering through what’s worth your time and what’s not.

On a related note, it’s been a while since we’ve posted to the blog and we apologize for that. Sarah and I took some time to step outside the photography industry by attending an intense 4-day conference in San Francisco where we learned more about how to grow The Photography Business Institute and help all of our loyal clients. We were surrounded by 350 other top-tier entrepenuers from outside the photography industry and it was fascinating to see how each of us is spreading our knowledge to others. You’re going to see some changes in what we offer and we’re really looking forward to continuing to share our marketing experience with you.

We followed our educational experience up with some relaxing vacation time. Sarah and her husband enjoyed wine country in Napa while my husband Chris and I sunned for a few days in Kauai. Now we’re back and settling in for the busy season at Sarah Petty Photography and planning a TON of great things for all of you in the next couple of months.

Here are a few things you can look forward to coming soon:

  • Another FREE Photography Business Institute event that’s even BIGGER than our Telesummit. It will be here before the end of the year and we know you’re going to love this one!
  • An exclusive coaching program for a limited number of you who are looking for a much deeper mentoring relationship with The Photography Business Institute
  • Lots more FREE resources at The Photography Business Institute for those of you who need help marketing your business

If you’re interested in our coaching program, shoot me an email at I’d love to share more with you. Enjoy the weekend everyone!

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