What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas.

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

It has been one of my favorite purchases ever and it came from a vending machine in Vegas a few weeks ago. Halfway through my flight, my laptop battery was depleted. As I entered the terminal, there it was like a ray of sunshine. Not the bright noisy slot machines but a quiet, little vending machine filled with Apples (not the kind you eat). Beautiful Apple products. I-pods, gizmos and gadgets.

Have you ever left town without a power cord to your laptop or a phone charger to your phone? Well, in the Apple vending machine, I purchased a charger that works for my mac laptop and my iphone and it runs on AA batteries! So now in convention halls or on airplanes, where there isn’t access to power I can always have power. Imagine my excitement. Anyone out there who is a mac user, be sure to get this charger. It has made me so happy.

Setting a Path for Growth: Scaling Up Your Photography Business

As photographers, we fill many different roles. We are creative ideas people, business owners, marketing managers, customer service providers, image editors and more. In addition to all the hats we wear as photographers, many of us are also spouses, parents and...

Essential Costs When Starting a Photography Business

While a career in photography will let you showcase your skills and creativity, there are also many, often less glamorous, things to consider when starting a photography business. Financial planning is crucial for any business venture. You must know and budget for all...

Help Your Portrait Subjects Shine with Expert Direction

The best photographic portraits show off their subjects’ personalities. Getting this right can be tricky and will take the knowledge and practice of posing and giving clear direction. Learning how to direct your clients will help them shine through their photographs...