What They Aren’t Telling You About How to Survive in Small Business

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute


If you’re like most business owners, you went into business because of a passion. That passion maybe began as a hobby, but then it started to dominate your thoughts and your time. Before you knew it, you realized you wanted to make money with your passion.

Whether your passion is for photography, cooking, decorating, sculpting hair or bodies, styling, helping, fixing or problem solving, you like to create. And your small business lets you share your passion with the world!

But when it comes to running your business, from financials to managing your workflow, promotional planning and hiring, you’d just as soon stick your head in a hole.

I’ve worked with hundreds of small business owners, and own two successful small businesses. One thing I’ve discovered is a common trait that nearly all successful business owners possess – the ability to make smart marketing decisions.

You may be thinking well I either have that ability or I don’t. There’s no way I can get there. WRONG! You can learn and here’s a way.

I’m teaching at an online event that can put you on the right track, The FREE Small Business Marketing Joysummit on June 28, 2010. I’ll be joining a really amazing group of 10 small business gurus who are experts on everything from SEO to web strategy, sales, business planning and competing without discounting.

One thing about this event that is different than most of the other online events you may have seen is that these business owners had to give unbelievable content to even be considered. No fluffly content here or even interviews. You’ll get actionable ideas you can implement immediately in your business. There more than 10 hours of content available.

So register now for free and tune in at your leisure June 28. I promise you won’t be disappointed. And be sure to check back here on the blog often as we’ll be sharing stories from each of our speakers from time to time so you can get to know them a little better.

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