4 Ways To Grow Your Small Business If You Have More Time Than Money

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute


If you’re new in your small business or have relocated to a new community you may be struggling with how to grow your small business. You probably have more time than money to invest in your marketing efforts at this point. You’ve taken advantage of every free and inexpensive tool there is, from Facebook and Twitter to auction donations, displays, etc. But you’re just not attracting who you want. Or maybe you’re thinking you need to breathe some fresh life into your business and get some new leads.

Here’s are 4 ways to grow your small business that takes very little money (but does require your time) and will get your name out there. It’s starts by being a  VOLUNTEER!

Now I’m not just talking about volunteering at your child’s school or putting in a few hours at your church. Instead volunteer in places where
you can not only highlight your skills as a small business owner and share your talents, but also network with other business owners.

Here are a few qualifications for choosing how to spend your volunteer hours to grow your business:

1) Volunteer where your target audience is volunteering.

2) Choose to volunteer with organizations that position you as a business leader. These organizations are well run, vibrant and open to change and have connected volunteers and contributors.

3) Just like with your marketing, don’t spread yourself too thin and do a little here and a little there. Instead make a big impact with one group.

4) Make sure your heart is in it. If you’re not passionate about who you’re helping it will show.

Rather than spending all day on facebook trying to drum up business, get out in your community and showcase your skills for the good of an organization that needs you! It won’t happen over night, but you will gain exposure for your business, your capabilities and maybe even get some press out of your efforts as well. Don’t wait for your phone to ring. Get out there and take a leadership position in your community to further your business.

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