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Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Yesterday we emailed you a survey about Cafe Joy. If you haven’t already, could you please help us out and take just 5 minutes to fill it out? We promise it won’t make your brain hurt like figuring out sales tax. We’re just really interested in what you think and want to make Cafe Joy everything you need it to be and more. Here’s your chance to shape the direction Cafe Joy is headed. Click here to answer our survey!

5 Tips to Get Your Photography Business Holiday-Ready

As the days grow shorter and the weather grows colder, we are reminded that the season for holiday portraits is coming up fast. It’s a crazy time for everyone but especially for portrait photographers. It seems like every family needs last-minute portraits. So, as...

Top 5 Ways Workshops Can Transform Your Photography Business

Whether you’re just starting a photography business or feeling like you're in a rut, a photography workshop can provide education and inspiration. Every photographer has room to grow and learn new skills. Let's look at five ways attending a live or virtual photography...

Setting a Path for Growth: Scaling Up Your Photography Business

As photographers, we fill many different roles. We are creative ideas people, business owners, marketing managers, customer service providers, image editors and more. In addition to all the hats we wear as photographers, many of us are also spouses, parents and...