Small Business Strategies: What’s Your Next Big Idea?

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

As entrepreneurs, we often struggle with what our next big idea is and what small business strategies we will use. We’re searching for something creative and so original that it knocks he socks off our current customers while creating widespread demand for our products or services.

I recently read an interview with Donald Trump acknowledging this trait. Trump noted that sometimes we strive so hard to find the original that we completely ignore the simple, groundbreaking ideas that are right in front of us.  Before Trump, the idea of a multi-functional real estate development was unheard of. To include a hotel and a condominium in the same development was earth shattering. Yet when you consider your clients’ needs (which as we know are often different than what they tell us or even think they need) you discover simple possibilities to make their lives easier and at the same time, grow your business.

At the end of the day, instead of spinning your wheels trying to create something original in your business, try focusing on what already exists and making it more simple to better meet the needs of your customers.

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