What’s Your Small Business’s End Game?

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

As a small business owner, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day. We get into survival mode, just trying to get through today, tomorrow, this week, this month. But most successful business owners have that voice in the back of their mind reminding them of the end-game.

In a team sport, the end-game may be to have a winning season, a playoff birth, a conference title, or a national championship. The end-game, while not always front and center or even talked about most often, is there, lurking in the back of everyone’s minds. It’s the reason the players suit up everyday and practice hard.

For a small business owner, the end-game may to build your dream location in five years, to have a staff of four within three years, to build a business someone wants to buy in 10 years or to support your entire family on your income within 4 years. The end-game is your long term goal. If you don’t have one, you’ll be like the football team who loses focus and forgets why they are practicing everyday.

Just don’t focus too much on the end-game that you overlook the day-to-day things you need to do to get you to our end-game.

What’s your end-game? To have a studio location? To hire an employee? Share your end-game here. We want to hear it!

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