Are You Satisfied with Your Small Business Strategies and How You Implemented Them?

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

The end of the year is my favorite time of the year in our business. Why? Well, I love looking back at all that we accomplished and evaluating those small business strategies we implemented.  But even more,  I like the opportunity for a fresh start that the new year brings.

For me a new year means I get out a new note pad. I love when it’s all fresh and clean and isn’t half taken up with my scribbles. Now you know what to buy me for Christmas!

Here are a few things I ask myself at the end of each year:

Did I wrap up 2010 accomplishing all that I set out to at the beginning of the year?

Did I work way too hard and not make enough money or do I have more to give in 2011?
Do I want to grow my business in 2011, maybe even double my sales?

If you answered yes, AND you’re a professional photographer, you have to check this out!
I promise it’s worth 5 minutes to watch this video of Sarah and I sharing our last big marketing idea for your business of 2010.

Or if you don’t want to watch the video and just want to dive in, go here!

Will you be joining us on December 29, 2010?

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