Grow your small business: 5 Ways an IPhone/Smartphone App Can help!


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Introducing – the Sarah Petty Photography FREE Iphone app!


When you are looking for small business marketing ideas to grow your small business, sometimes, it is worth looking in unexpected places. It is no longer a time when you can simply buy television, radio or newspaper ads to grow your business. You must engage with your audience. You must be all of the places where they are. Off-line, it is powerful to interact as much as possible with your clients by doing things like attending charity auctions and shopping where they shop. Online, the same rules apply. It is important to engage with your clients on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and now, on your clients’ phones. Here are 5 reasons why this is important to your business!


1. Arm your sales staff. By creating an app, your clients, prospects, friends and family all have a tool to brag about you. And the best part, most people carry their phones with them everywhere they go. So, when she is at a luncheon and people start talking about your business, she can pull out your app and immediately make a connection for you.

2. Generate buzz. With a feature called Daily Pic, it makes it easier than ever to make your images go viral. You push the Daily Pic out to your entire audience and then when a client’s image is the pic of the day, he or she can share it on Facebook, Twitter, etc. This will drive even more people to your app. Also, your clients can easily make that image their wallpaper which gives more reason for them to brag about you!

3. Show leadership. Sometimes, marketing can simply be cool. By being one of the first to have an app in your market, it positions you as a leader and creates excitement. (especially with high-school seniors who respond to the latest technology). This shows that your brand is new and fresh and that reflects on your products and services. I have heard the Android version is coming to this app soon as well.

4. Quick connections. With one touch, people can instantly connect to your Facebook and Twitter pages to make comments and rave about you and/or your images.

5. Ease of use. Through this app, your clients can get an instant map to your location, make a direct contact with you through email and even leave a testimonial. By investing in your own app, you will put this information right in the palm of your clients and prospects’ hands.


If this marketing idea sounds like it can help your business, our app came from We asked our friend, Joy Vertz, to offer a special price for our blog readers so order BEFORE January 20, 2011 and save $50 with code JOYSTART. Happy apping!

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