10 years ago I nearly made a mistake that would have cost me thousands of dollars. It was...

10 years ago I nearly made a mistake that would have cost me thousands of dollars. It was...
Photography Pricing Pop Quiz: Are you losing money on your 8x10s? How do you know? What if I told...
One of the scariest things about running a photography business is figuring out your photography...
When starting a new photography business, one of the biggest hurdles is deciding how to price your...
Are you wondering how to price your photography so that you can actually take home a paycheck from...
I just got back from spring break, and jumped right back into brainstorming with my studio...
$10K in a Weekend is Something YOU CAN DO with one KILLER photography mini-session promotion. By...
How do you find clients who are willing to actually pay for photography, when so many people are...
Looking For Some Of The Best Photography Marketing Ideas To Grow Your Business This Year? Maybe...
The holiday lead-up can often be the busiest time of year for a portrait photographer. With families gathering together and everyone looking for great gift ideas, there are plenty of opportunities to finetune how to make money with photography. Here are 11 creative...
As both a photographer and a mom, you may feel pressure to “do it all.” You attempt to keep up with all the hard work that goes into building a photography business while being fully present with your family. Finding that balance is not always easy, but below is some...
Anyone working as a portrait photographer knows that the job can sometimes be a lonely one. When not working with clients, many photographers work solo and often out of their own homes. You spend many hours alone at the computer, editing images, answering client...
The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!