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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Small Business Ideas For Education

Small Business Ideas For Education

I subscribe to a lot of magazines. What can I say…I’m a sucker for the glossy images and the advice-filled articles. I’m intoxicated by all the new ideas (whether it be for dinner tonight or what to wear to that wedding next month). I get excited thinking about the hours of entertainment I get from looking at what other businesses are doing or what the hottest celebrity wore to the big awards.

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Update Your Photography Branding

Update Your Photography Branding

If you’re thinking about rebranding simply because you no longer like the way your font looks or are just bored with the look of your logo, then it’s time to slow down and reconsider. Dramatic changes to your brand just because you feel like spicing things up can create a really big mess. Keep in mind that just because you’re bored with your logo doesn’t mean everyone else is.

The first question to ask yourself is why do you want to rebrand?

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Small Business Blog: Making Customer Experience Your Advantage

Small Business Blog: How To Overcome Mistakes

Like it or not, sticky situations happen all the time when you’re a small business owner. And when they do, they create the perfect opportunity for you, as a boutique business, to step up. Think about it. If you can overcome a negative situation with a customer, you take that customer beyond basic satisfaction. Now they’re not displeased—they’re thrilled.

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Small Business Blog: Making Customer Experience Your Advantage

Marketing Help For Boutique Businesses

When you’re a boutique business, your marketing efforts must be boutique as well. Boutique marketing is focused on reaching customers who aren’t price sensitive, customers who want and appreciate all the extra things you do to make their lives better. Your marketing materials need to scream, “You’re the most important part of our day!” Discounters are focused on reaching large numbers of people who are motivated by low prices. The way they market can attract lots of customers. But it doesn’t appeal to people who want the high-touch experiences.

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Small Business Blog: Making Customer Experience Your Advantage

Marketing Help: Is Your Website Worth Every Penny?

How important is it as a boutique business to have something tangible to hand a prospective client that gives them an immediate impression of your business rather than saying you should check out my website (when you get home and hopefully you remember me when you are in front of your computer)? No matter how great your website is (which it should be fabulous), as a boutique business you need to do the unexpected.

People expect you to hand them a business card. They expect you to maybe have a brochure to hand them. They expect you to say “Go check out my website.” What they don’t expect is for you to hand them a mind-blowingly creative marketing piece. We suggest creating one (yes, we said just one) marketing piece that becomes the “This is who we are” establishing piece. We would rather you use your budget to create that one wow piece than waste funds on a sad little template postcard or other mass advertising effort. When you can afford to do a second activity really well, then add that.

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You Won’t Believe This 215 Square Foot Newborn Photography Studio

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to run a newborn photography studio (but she is)... Meet Amy Misakonis - a single mom of three and full-time “rocket scientist” (she works in the commercial crew program for NASA) who just opened her...

Tips for Photographers During the Coronavirus Emergency

The Coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis marks an unprecedented time for photographers. Shutdowns, grocery scrambles and government orders to stay at home have a tremendous impact on our livelihood. What should you be doing as a photographer to remain productive during the...

5 Ways to Know If Go Boutique Live! Is For You

Calling all photographers who want to make 2020 their best year yet… I see you over there, and I KNOW this is your jam… Maybe you’ve been wanting to make a change for a long time now, but don’t know where to start… Here’s what I know: The best way for us to make...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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