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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Brand Building: The Power Of A Gift

Brand Building: The Power Of A Gift

As I am sitting here, wrapping up my year, I am feeling many emotions. Exhaustion after surviving the holidays with three kids and many holiday parties, excitement for all of the good things to come next year and a feeling of gratitude to all of the people who are a part of my life.

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Brand Building: The Power Of A Gift

Marketing Blog: How To Squeeze Out One More Idea

Several months ago, marketing Guru, Seth Godin, linked to this marketing blog post that introduced a theory called N+1 and it hasn’t left my mind since. The theory states that there is always one more of anything. This has been a lifesaver with many sales and marketing activities in both of my businesses (The Joy of Marketing and Sarah Petty Photography).

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Brand Building: The Power Of A Gift

Google+ for Your Business

When Google+ personal pages rolled out this summer, Facebook haters flocked to the site, not to mention early adopters jumped in, built up a page and poked around to see what was new. Admittedly I signed up, kicked the tires, and never really found enough to engage me to keep hanging out regularly, although I know many feel differently.

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Brand Building: The Power Of A Gift

The 11.11.11 Giveaway

Some of us let the what we don’t have hold us back from achieving our goals, forgetting what we do have can take us pretty far.

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Brand Building: The Power Of A Gift

Small Business Strategies: The Power of Networking

From time to time it happens to all of us. Business gets slow. We panic a little. We start to doubt ourselves.

You start to think maybe I’m not a good business owner. Maybe I’m not cut out for this. Maybe my prices are too high.

You start spinning in doubt, paralyzing you from making any decisions on your business. Here’s the fastest way to break out of that. Get up and walk out the door. Yep. You heard me. Get out there.

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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