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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

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Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

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Marketing Help: 3 Ways to Get Your Clients To Refer You

The Fastest Way To Kill Your Business | Small Business Challenges

News Flash. 99 times out of 100 it doesn’t matter what your competitors are doing.  Your customers come to you because of YOU. So if you want to focus on something, focus on giving your loyal customers more of YOU. Not trying to be more like the competition.

Who cares if your competitor is having a sale? They may be bankrolled by a trust fund and aren’t interested in being profitable.

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Marketing Help: 3 Ways to Get Your Clients To Refer You

Is Your Business Referral-Worthy? Use Boutique Marketing Strategies!

Referrals should be the life blood of a healthy business. I have several favorite businesses in town that I am constantly referring business to because I love their unique, hand-crafted jewelry and unique gift items. One in particular, a local store called J Parkes (sorry, no web ordering) makes the cutest jewelry out of cut metal. Just about every visitor that comes to town gets an offer from me to take them.

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Marketing Help: 3 Ways to Get Your Clients To Refer You

Google+ Marketing Help For Your Small Business?

I recently received my Google+ invitation and have spent the last few days playing around a bit. If you haven’t heard of Google+ it’s basically Google’s answer to Facebook. While it’s not a separate web site, per say, it’s additional functionality to your existing Google account that enables you to choose what you share and who you share it with more easily than Facebook.

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Marketing Help: 3 Ways to Get Your Clients To Refer You

How to Get Anything You Want: Small Business Strategies for Success

Last weekend I breezed through Seth Godin’s latest Domino Project book release, Anything You WantHow to Get Anything You Want: Small Business Strategies for Success. If you’re a small business owner, it’s worth checking out. He shares a ton of small business strategies for success. Let me share what I loved about this book.

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Marketing Help: 3 Ways to Get Your Clients To Refer You

How Do You Charge What You Are Worth? Brand Building Tips

I see many small business owners who are nervous to charge what they are worth. Some have even told me that they have feelings of guilt if they price their products and/or services to be profitable. What is the point of taking the risk to be in business if you aren’t going to make it worth your time? Here are a few things to focus on so that you are building value for your products and services and taking the emphasis off price.

1. Build your brand.

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Marketing Help: 3 Ways to Get Your Clients To Refer You

4 Marketing Ideas to Prepare You for Making it Big

Are you one job away from the tipping point of your business taking off? As a small business owner, you never know when you’re going to get your big break. Some days it may feel like you’re spinning your wheels, no where close to where you dreamed your business would be.

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Brand Building Tip: Trade With Other Small Businesses

Brand Building Tip: Trade With Other Small Businesses

Brand building is so important when creating a small business but so often, I hear small business owners say that they can’t afford a professional graphic designer. I am a big believer that small business owners should strive to make their business viable – in other words, grow the business as the business justifies the growth. This is good news because your business should be able to grow without taking on a bunch of debt.

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Is Your Photography Good Enough To Charge More?

   Video Transcription: How do you even know if your photography is good enough to charge higher prices? Look, when I first started, I was not formally trained. I did not really even know what I was doing, but I knew that my clients were gushing on my work, and...

Should you put your photography prices on your website?

Video Transcription: Should you put your photography prices on your website? I say "no". My name's Sarah Petty and I have run a profitable photography business for 20 years....through film, through digital, through all of it, even before websites. But here's the...

My 9 Favorite Images from 2017 at Sarah Petty Photography

What a year 2017 was at both Sarah Petty Photography & the Photography Business Institute! Andria (my studio manager) and I have been working out of our brand new building now for the better part of last year and we are enjoying every moment of it. Our new studio...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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