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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Are You a One and Done Marketer? Get a New Business Marketing Strategy

Do What Your Competitors Won’t! Small Business Strategy

We’re not big advocates of focusing too much on your competitors as it can be a slippery slope that causes you to lose sight of your own business. Yet I hear from many small business owners who struggle with determining what piece of the pie is yours to take. How can you compete for business in your market and win, without focusing on price?

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Are You a One and Done Marketer? Get a New Business Marketing Strategy

Understand Customer Buying Process As A Powerful Business Marketing Strategy

It’s unlikely that your products and services are purchased on a whim unless you’re selling chewing gum. Rather, there’s a process your customers go through each and every time before they purchase from you, regardless of what you sell. While that process may vary from customer to customer, you’ll find the process more alike than different across your clients, especially those who are most valuable to your business.

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Are You a One and Done Marketer? Get a New Business Marketing Strategy

Think Direct Mail for Photography Marketing

I have spoken to so many small business owners lately who have been frustrated that their promotional efforts and photography marketing aren’t working for them. When I dig in and ask them for more detail, it seems like the things they are focusing on are the free and easy things. They are donating to lots of auctions and they are spending a lot of time on Facebook trying to stir things up.

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Are You a One and Done Marketer? Get a New Business Marketing Strategy

Making Assumptions About Your Target Market? Get Marketing Help

I have had many small business owners ask me about reaching the “upscale buyer,” or in other words, the “rich folks.” In my experience, it isn’t about how much people make that determines how much they will invest with you. Some of the best clients at my photography studio make modest livings but they place a high value art and photography.

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Are You a One and Done Marketer? Get a New Business Marketing Strategy

Brand Building: Time for a Rebrand?

In this week’s, Small Business Marketing Ideas Podcast, Sarah and I discuss five times in your small business when you should consider new brand building from the ground up.

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Are You a One and Done Marketer? Get a New Business Marketing Strategy

4 Tips for Getting More from Your Marketing Ideas

Last night as I was working out (and admittedly a little bored with my routine and lamenting my lack of results), I realized that marketing a small business is a lot like trying to lose weight. It takes a sustained effort. Results don’t happen over night (or after just one workout or one healthy meal) and they are a bit unpredictable (why did I lose weight from there when I was working out this body part?).

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Are You a One and Done Marketer? Get a New Business Marketing Strategy

Get Personal with Your Clients While Brand Building

In most industries it’s not enough any more to simply put a product or service on the market and assume people will find you. Customers want more. They want more value for their money. More of a reason to buy from you and not your competitor. That ‘more’ doesn’t have to be in hard costs and affect your bottom line. You don’t have to add services, add product or discount your prices to stay in the game for your customers’ business.

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How to Survive a Family Portraits Session: 3 Family Photo Poses

Ok it’s confession time from this professional children and family portraits photographer. I’m not proud of it. Heck, you’d think after 18 years with this as my career, I’d be past it by now. But nope. When we look at our calendar and see THIS kind of session here's...

66 Must-Have Tools for Building a Six Figure Photography Business

We all have things we can’t live without. And it’s no different when it comes to building a six figure photography business. Professional photographers use hundreds if not thousands of tools and resources every day to get the job done. And while my list has changed...

Outdoor Photography Session Tips to Beat the Heat This Summer

With my hair stuck to my neck and my make up melting off my face, I feel like I’m shooting in a sauna every summer when I head to an outdoor photography session with my high school senior clients. It’s definitely my least favorite time of the year for outdoor...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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