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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

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Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

The Power of “Yes!” as a Small Business Strategy

The Power of “Yes!” as a Small Business Strategy

I had an experience yesterday at my favorite chain sandwich shop that reminds me of a small business owners #1 advantage.

I requested avocado spread on my sandwhich as I have at many chains of this sandwich shop throughout the country. The sandwich maker said, “I can’t put spreads or extras on this sandwich.”

Well the thing is, I know she can. Because other shops of the same brand have before her. I didn’t want to argue, though. There was a line. And it’s not her fault. She’s just following ‘company policy’.

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The Power of “Yes!” as a Small Business Strategy

Monday Marketing Help. Find Your Target Market.

People are always asking us for small business marketing ideas to help them find their ideal clients. I hear a lot of people saying they can’t find the “right” clients. While yes, you can rent mailing lists, that is not the end all or be all answer for building a strong, loyal community of clients and prospects. A better to build a powerful database is by adding clients one at a time.

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The Power of “Yes!” as a Small Business Strategy

Resist the Urge to Copycat

In many industries, it’s commonplace to copy the leader in your market. The book I’m currently reading, Killing Giants: 10 Strategies to Topple the Goliath in Your Industry, has me thinking a lot about business owners who copy what the market leader is doing, and why it’s not the best strategy.

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The Power of “Yes!” as a Small Business Strategy

Free Online Tools to Grow Your Business

One of the most frequent requests we receive is for free or inexpensive marketing ideas. So this month, we dedicated our entire Cafe Joy mailing to 10 ways to grow your business with free online tools. It’s important to realize, however, that it’s unlikely you’ll be able to grow your business into the business you want just by using these tools.

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The Power of “Yes!” as a Small Business Strategy

Monday Marketing Momentum. My Best Marketing Idea.

Everyone always wants to know the magic marketing idea and we all know there isn’t one. But, I do have one idea that I would share with just about any business to help them position themselves correctly and attract new clients. My best marketing idea is creating and printing a dynamic promotional piece that makes your clients and prospects say “whoa.” And no, a postcard does not ever qualify in this marketing tactic.

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The Power of “Yes!” as a Small Business Strategy

Getting Your Clients to Buy More

Today I compiled a few of my favorite tips for increasing sales in your small business. A few of them came from a great read about consumer purchase decisions, How We DecideGetting Your Clients to Buy More.

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The Power of “Yes!” as a Small Business Strategy

Get Found Online By the Right Clients

If you’re a small business owner who services a particular area, whether it be a city, neighborhood, or collection of towns, you want to make sure when people search for whatever generic service or product you provide in your city, your business gets found before your competitors. One of the best ways to get your business ranked in Google, Yahoo and Bing is to claim your local business listing.

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Songs that Sell: How to Build Your In-Person Sales Soundtrack

Part of learning how to grow your photography business is working on your in-person sales. Everything from lighting to language to the location of your in-person ordering appointment can influence how much your clients ultimately decide to invest, but did you know...

9 Summer Reads for Photography Business Owners

What am I doing when I’m not in a session, working on marketing my photography business or spending time with my family? Reading. If you’re like most photographers, you’ve probably concentrated your self-improvement efforts on the technical stuff. It’s true that...

Six Savvy Marketing Tips for Photography Studios On the Move

Read on for six simple marketing tips for your photography business aimed at making sure your clients know where to reach you wherever you are. Let's face it: No one LIKES moving. In fact, mention it and my mind starts racing about endless sorting, packing, lifting...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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