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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Finding the Right Person

Finding the Right Person

There comes a time when you know you need to hire someone if your small business is going to grow any bigger. While it doesn’t have to be a full-time employee, it must be the right person.

Hiring the wrong person results in countless wasted hours and money lost on training someone who isn’t a fit for your business. Unfortunately, I’ve been there and done that. Trust me. It’s not a fun or inexpensive lesson to learn. Yet the question most of us have is how do we make sure we hire the right person and avoid those expensive mistakes?

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Finding the Right Person

Monday Marketing Momentum. Reconnect.

We all hear a lot about social media and we all know that it can be a time suck for small business owners. We have all done it. We sit down to check email, then we hop into Facebook. When we look up, several hours are gone. Poof. Well, last week, we decided to use Facebook for something much better.

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Finding the Right Person

Build Your Brand by Merging Online with Offline Marketing.

One of the best ways to merge online marketing with offline marketing is by creating a dynamic promotional campaign and splattering it everywhere! Just like your face is how people recognize you personally, your logo must stay the same so that you build brand equity and people continue to recognize you. Your promotional campaigns, however, are more like your clothing. These can be trendy and playful because you will only use them for a few years at the most.

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Finding the Right Person

4 Ways To Create Customer Loyalty

On our 4th episode of The Small Business Marketing Ideas podcast, we share our 4 favorite ways to create loyalty with your clients. You can check it out right here! It’s Free.

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Finding the Right Person

Monday Marketing Momentum. Be Newsworthy.

When it comes to generating ideas to market your small business, sometimes, it is better to look at free opportunities that are out there for the taking. Many small businesses overlook the opportunity to generate publicity, but if you are looking for inexpensive marketing ideas, you must include public relations and publicity in your marketing strategy.

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Finding the Right Person

Be Happy It’s Not Easy

If being a small business owner was easy, everyone would do it. And if everyone did it, the competition would be even greater than it currently is for you. But it’s not easy. At least it’s not easy to be a successful small business owner.

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13 Expert Photography Marketing Ideas That Are Crazy Simple

I want to see you take your business from busy (with the wrong clients) to as busy as you want to be with the right clients. That's what we do here at Photography Business Institute - research and develop the best photography marketing ideas for professional...

9 Photography Client Holiday Gift Ideas

Your photography clients aren't just important to your business, they are your business. So showing them some love this Holiday Season is a MUST if you want them to say you're worth every penny. We've compiled a list of Photography Client Holiday Gift Ideas that are a...

37 Portrait Photography Clients Who Want To Hire You Today

Your community is full of portrait photography clients and they want to hire you! If your business is slower than you’d like it to be, it’s time to pick up a pen and write some notes, pick up the phone and make a few calls, pick up a few new portrait photography...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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