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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Do Your Customers Buy the What or the Why?

Obstacles Are There to Make You Stronger.

We all need motivation and inspiration to keep staying strong and overcome obstacles in our small businesses. Last week, I had the pleasure to listen to a man named Warren MacDonald. He was hiking and became trapped when a one-ton boulder unexpectedly fell on his legs.

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Do Your Customers Buy the What or the Why?

Boost Your Brand with a Dynamic Campaign

All of us are out there competing for business. Every day. All day. Sometimes we feel like we are working hard and not getting the results we desire. One thing you can do to charge up your brand and create a buzz is by creating a dynamic (not boring) promotional campaign. It is like a little chug of marketing caffeine for your brand and your business.

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Do Your Customers Buy the What or the Why?

Marketing Issues: Eliminate Industry Speak

One of my pet peeves from my years in corporate branding was the use of industry speak. Unfortunately, I see small business owners who are too close to what they do using industry speak in their marketing materials, on their websites and when they talk to clients this causes tons of marketing issues.

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Do Your Customers Buy the What or the Why?

Small Business Blog: How to Build a Solid Sales Strategy

One skill that can help you achieve success in your business more than any other is learning to sell. Because it is so important, we are often talking about sales here on our small business blog. The more you can study sales and become better at sales, the more success you will find. Many small business owners, especially creative ones, fear selling. It is hard for many to tell others what they feel they are worth. We all have a fear of rejection. What if someone says they don’t like what I am selling? One of my favorite ways to overcome objections is by using the feel, felt, found method. Here ya go.

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11 Tips for Profitable Mini-Sessions for Photographers

Can't figure out how to make profitable mini-sessions work in your photography business? We're going to help you do just that! If you haven't actually run a mini-session, let's start with a mini-session overview. And if you have tried offering mini-sessions and aren't...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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