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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Sell Top Down to Increase Your Sales with Kevin Kubota

What is Your Opinion Worth?

What is your opinion worth as an expert? Your clients have chosen to work with you because they see you as an expert. Yet according to Tim and Beverly Walden, incredibly successful small business owners, we often cower at this question. But we shouldn’t. We should know what our opinion is worth as an expert and be confident that we can charge for it.

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Sell Top Down to Increase Your Sales with Kevin Kubota

Preparing Your Environment To Meet a Client

Each time your clients visit you, is your space the same?

Do they see the same art on the walls? Are the wall colors the same?

Or if you make in home visits to your clients are your samples changing or do you bring in the same products year after year?

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Sell Top Down to Increase Your Sales with Kevin Kubota

Starting with the End in Mind with Joy and Jules

The first time I heard Joy Bianchi-Brown and Jules Bianchi was at Kevin Kubot’s Photographers Ignite at WPPI this past March. Needless to say, I was blown away by their 5 minute presentation. They definitely have that twin connection which is always fun to see in action. But not only that, they have created a rocking small business and the tips they share about the in-person client consultation are fantastic. Their delivery is entertaining, too!

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Sell Top Down to Increase Your Sales with Kevin Kubota

Overcome the Distractions with a Little Bit of Process

You’re in the middle of pulling together a presentation for a client who will be walking in the door in an hour. Your mind is racing of all the things you need to do to get the sale. And the phone rings. It’s a number you don’t recognize. Likely a potential new client.

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Sell Top Down to Increase Your Sales with Kevin Kubota

More 10 10 10 and some small business inspiration.

Don’t you love it when you read a blog post somewhere and you feel like the writer is speaking to you? Today, when my alarm went off on my iphone, I skimmed through my favorite blogs. Seth Godin’s blog was perfect. He spoke about the importance of makeing a dent in the universe vs. being a cog in the wheel. It is definitely not the easiest road but hopefully, well worth it.

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How to book more photography clients

When I started going full force in my photography business after my twins were born, my confidence was shaken a few times. It was enough for me to question whether I had what it took to book more photography clients than I had when photography was just a hobby. It has...

How to Get Photography Clients – 5 Easy Ideas

All businesses go through slow times. Especially photography businesses. It happens at Sarah Petty Photography, for sure.  But I don't panic when things slow down because I always have marketing ideas ready for when I need to get clients. And most of the photography...

PBI Squiggles yellow
Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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