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Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

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Make more money and win for your small business!

Make more money and win for your small business!

Tomorrow is your last chance to listen FREE to the 10 10 10 SalesSummit brought to you by The Joy of Marketing. We are thrilled to be presenting 10 amazing speakers who will all be delivering 10 small business selling ideas to help you grow your business.

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Make more money and win for your small business!

To succeed in sales, there must be trust.

If you don’t trust someone, she can’t sell you something. I answered a telemarketing call one evening, which I never do, and for some reason, I felt like chatting. I let the woman on the other end of the phone head into her pitch. I was immediately turned off because the gal on the other end prounounced the “s” on the state where I live, Illinois. Obviously, she was not from Illinois and mispronouncing the state would keep her from making most sales to people in Illinois. The problem for her was that the trust factor was immediately shattered.

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Make more money and win for your small business!

How to Overcome Your Fear of Selling with Kevin Kubota

A top 10 wedding photographer in the world and small business owner extraordinare, Kevin Kubota, is truly one of the all-time greats, but not just because of his photography skills. Kevin has mastered the art of selling and has so much to share during our 10.10.10 SalesSummit. And if being a top wedding photographer didn’t keep Kevin busy enough, he has expanded his business to include an incredible photography products company, Kubota Image Tools.

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Make more money and win for your small business!

Taking The Sales Experience to Another Level in Your Small Business

Last week I had a truly mind-blowing experience at a chain store that all small business owners can take notes from.

A year ago, my husband bought a suit from Hugo Boss. Now I have to admit, it took a few months for me to get over the fact that I let him invest that much in a suit he wears on so few occassions I can name each if them!

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Make more money and win for your small business!

Selling is a little like driving a stick shift.

One of our coaching clients gave me the best analogy the other day. After her first month or two of being in our coaching community, she said that it was all starting to making sense to her but she still wasn’t able to do certain things. She said she remembered when she was taught to drive a stick shift car. She was given the instruction and fully understood in her head how to do it, but when she went to do it, the car kept dying. With persistence, she got better, chugging along the street until it became driving a stick was second nature for her.

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Make more money and win for your small business!

Sales calls don’t have to be annoying!

Last week, I had an annoying salesperson call me and I want to share this story with you because sales calls don’t have to annoy people! I was about three minutes from a scheduled conference call when I picked up the phone. I thought it was a client and not a sales call but either way, I had to help him quickly. Right after I answered, the man on the other end started talking about himself and how great he was. Imagine my state of mind. I am already worried about being on time for my phone call and this guy takes off all about himself.

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Make more money and win for your small business!

Do you Take the Money and Run?

It may sound obvious, but to many small business owners it’s not. We get busy chasing the next paycheck, drumming up new business, creating new products and marketing our butt’s off and we neglect to finish the sale on the client who already paid.

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4 Must Do Photography Marketing Activities

I get a lot of questions about what photography marketing activities I do to attract clients who invest in my portraits. So I wanted to show you a snapshot of my photography marketing calendar looks like in my high-end portrait business. Much of what I do when it...

3 Ways to Organize Your Business and Marketing in 30 Days!

If you’re anything like me, your life was turned upside down the last quarter of 2013 with the big holiday rush. I was slammed with sessions, speaking gigs, sporting events, and holiday parties. I didn’t have time to get organized; I was just flying by the seat of my...

3 Ways to Use Your Database to Keep Your Calendar Booked!

We all face slow spots in our business.  When I first started my photography business I wasn’t ready for the slow season after the big holiday boom and it scared me. Today I’m going to share with you how can use your database to get you through the slow season. Here...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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