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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Tim and Bev Walden Share the Single Most Important Thing Photographers Need to Know About Sales

Tim and Bev Walden Share the Single Most Important Thing Photographers Need to Know About Sales

As one of the very first professional photography studios Sarah Petty studied with, she’s always had the utmost respect for Tim and Bev Walden. And if you’ve ever met them, you likely agree. Tim and Bev are kind, generous and extremely talented. Together, this husband and wife team have won every award imaginable for their photography, but even more importantly, their studio, Walden’s Photography, is an amazingly successful small business in Lexington, Kentucky.

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Tim and Bev Walden Share the Single Most Important Thing Photographers Need to Know About Sales

Are you a photographer or a salesman?

If I asked you if you are a salesperson, you are more likely to say, “no, I’m a photographer or a chef or a graphic designer.” Many who own small businesses define themselves by their skill or talent, not the skills it takes to run a profitable business. When you are trying to succeed in business, you MUST have sales skills. Dun and Bradstreet did a study to find out why businesses fail. The #1 reason businesses went bankrupt was because of LOW sales. Businesses that thrive do so because of their HIGH sales.

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Tim and Bev Walden Share the Single Most Important Thing Photographers Need to Know About Sales

Why cutting costs can lead to discounting in your small business.

Every day, I wake up and read my favorite blogs on my iphone. Seth Godin’s blog post today was one that I want all of you to read and think about. He talks about cutting costs to save a dollar – especially at the top of the market (which, by the way, is a really good place to be). Well, in theory, if you save a dollar, that becomes profit and should drop to the bottom line.

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Tim and Bev Walden Share the Single Most Important Thing Photographers Need to Know About Sales

What’s Your Small Business’s End Game?

As a small business owner, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day. We get into survival mode, just trying to get through today, tomorrow, this week, this month. But most successful business owners have that voice in the back of their mind reminding them of the end-game.

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Tim and Bev Walden Share the Single Most Important Thing Photographers Need to Know About Sales

Photography Marketing Idea That Can Build Your Brand And Your Business

Doesn’t it seem like the holidays come earlier each year? The Fourth of July decorations come down at the stores and the Halloween decorations go up! Because I run a small business (well two actually), I start to panic a little more each year that I might miss one of these fun holidays. So, each year, my kids and I start pulling out the decorations earlier and earlier.

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5 Must Ask Questions Before You Open a Photography Studio

I remember the feeling. Knowing I wanted my business to be something bigger than the basement studio in my home. I was ready to make it more of a full time business. Get a retail studio and raise my prices, but like many of you, I wasn’t sure how to do it. I get this...

5 Things To Do This Month to FIX Your Broken Business

In January I view my business, my house and my life in a different way. It’s like there’s a giant bright spotlight on all broken crap I put up with in 4th quarter because I was too busy to fix. I can’t HELP but see it! And it makes me sick to my stomach when I realize...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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