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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

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Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Small Business Blog- How Good Is Your Website?

Small Business Blog- How Good Is Your Website?

Recently we stumbled upon a cool site that grades your website and social media presence – I thought this would be perfect for our small business blog. In minutes you’ll have a five page report on your website on what you can improve upon and what you’re doing well. Hey, it’s back to school time. Give yourself a grade!

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Small Business Blog- How Good Is Your Website?

Here’s Some Marketing Help On Contacting Clients

Yesterday DJ Waldow and I jumped on the phone for part 2 of our series on how small business owners can use email campaigns to grow their business. DJ was a featured expert at a conference I attended last month and is the director of community with Blue Sky Factory, an email marketing service provider.

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Small Business Blog- How Good Is Your Website?

A Cute Bundle of Joy

It’s no secret we love babies at Photography Business Institute. Especially babies who sport a onesie from Photography Business Institute.

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Small Business Blog- How Good Is Your Website?

3 Small Business Strategies To Drive In Clients

From a branding and design perspective there are more things than I can count that wrong with this ad that I saw recently in a local magazine. Literally it made this Joy girl’s skin crawl. Yet what struck me as being the MOST out of place is that a nail spa is giving away free lottery tickets!

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Small Business Blog- How Good Is Your Website?

Small Business Blog-What’s the Deal with Email Marketing?

Believe it or not, the greatest return on investment for your marketing dollars in small business is email marketing (according to the Direct Marketing Association). In your small business, you’ll spend less and get more sales as a result of using this form of marketing – IF you use it effectively!

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Small Business Blog- How Good Is Your Website?

Charitable Marketing In Your Small Business

You will always hear us talk about how charitable marketing is so important for small businesses. It is a way to give back to the community and create yummy feelings about your business. Pease’s Candy, a local candy store, is taking tasty to a new level by giving 5% of their candy sales during the month of August to a local charity each week.

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Small Business Blog- How Good Is Your Website?

Small Business Goal Setting

As small business owners we often look for the reason or reasons why we can’t accomplish something (not enough time, not enough clients, no one wants to pay my prices, I don’t have a studio or office) rather than the reasons why we can (my style is unique, I’m good at what I do, I have a great location, etc).

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Small Business Blog- How Good Is Your Website?

Client Experience: The Grizwalds Do Trump Towers

We recently took a family trip up to Chicago and since I waited until the last minute to get hotel reservations, we were left without our regular spots to stay. So, my husband recommended the Trump Hotel and who was I to disagree! Hopefully you have seen the movie, Family Vacation, with Chevy Chase – we are SO the Grizwalds.

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Are these roadblocks stopping your small business growth?

I've always prided myself as a person who doesn't drop balls. I get things done. I'm what Les McKeown calls an Operator. You don't have to ask twice if I've done what you asked me to (well unless you're my mother when I was a teenager). I like crossing things off my...

PBI Squiggles yellow
Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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