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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

How to Develop Your Photography Business Plan

How to Develop Your Photography Business Plan


We’re midway through 2010. And while I’m a firm believer of continuously going back to the plan you put together at the beginning of the year (you did do that, didn’t you?), I’m a realist and know that many of us filed it away. Or maybe we started it, but just didn’t finish it. Life gets in the way, right? We have bills to pay and clients to service.


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How to Develop Your Photography Business Plan

Brand Building: Managing Expectations in Your Small Business


Yesterday I had an interesting email conversation with one of our coaching members. She’s a small business owner who really gets marketing so I love having discussions with her about marketing and branding. The topic: managing expectations. You’ve often heard Sarah talk about this, but today I may have a little different spin.


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Uncovering the Mystery that is SEO with Kent Lewis, Joysummit speaker

Uncovering the Mystery that is SEO with Kent Lewis, Joysummit speaker

I hear the words SEO and my mind autmatically puts up flashing lights and road blocks. I consider myself a relatively intelligent person, but for whatever reason when it comes to talking about Google algorithms and how to write copy that makes my website show up in search the alarms go off in my brain saying DANGER! I just can’t seem to get my head around it. I KNOW it’s important for every busines to understand search engine marketing, yet for whatever reason, up until now it’s been impossible for me to grasp.

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Overcoming your fears so your business can grow with Joyce Bone, Joysummit speaker

Overcoming your fears so your business can grow with Joyce Bone, Joysummit speaker

Yesterday I chatted with one of our Small Business Marketing Joysummit speakers, Joyce Bone. Joyce is an author, speaker and businesswomen extraordinaire better known as the Millionaire Mom. How did Joyce earn that title? By overcoming the fears she had and by positioning herself as an expert. In tackling these two things alone, she earned thousands of dollars in free marketing and publicity for her business.

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Small Business Blog- Aligning with the Big Picture

In order to consistently deliver an amazing high-touch experience for your clients, you need to set boundaries. Obviously, if your business makes custom products for customers, your turnaround time will be longer than a company that sells off the shelf. If your...

Marketing Your Product: Step 1- Becoming an Expert

When you’re a small business owner, you must be marketing your product to the right person. Small business marketing is focused on reaching customers who aren’t price sensitive, customers who want and appreciate all the extra things you do to make their lives better....

Financial Planning: The Scars of a Sale

I see it everyday. A sign in a dentist office declares “Any treatment—40 percent off regular price!” A local Realtor advertises lower commissions: Any house. Any price. Sound intriguing? Of course it does. We all like to save money. But, remember what a sale does to...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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