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Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

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Small Business Strategies:  The Myth of Multi-tasking

Small Business Strategies: The Myth of Multi-tasking

Click on the The Myth of Multi-tasking to read the full blog post.

So I’ll admit, I’m guilty. I constantly multi-task. In fact, if I’m not doing more than one thing at a time, I feel like there is something wrong with me. Like I’m not on top of my game. And I bet most small business owners feel the same way. Bred from the feeling that there is never enough hours in the day, we try to cram as much in as we can, working simultaneously…checking email while on a call, reading the mail during meetings, etc. I recently chatted with Dave Crenshaw, author of The Myth of Multitasking: How “Doing It All” Gets Nothing DoneSmall Business Strategies: The Myth of Multi-tasking. Dave discusses small business strategies to implement so you are productive.

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Small Business Strategies:  The Myth of Multi-tasking

Small Business Strategies: Make a Promise Day

Last week when Sarah and I were in New York City, we met Matthew Cossolotto, an author who decided to declare May 4th, Make a Promise Day. It’s an interesting concept, so I wanted to pass along.

You may be wondering what the story is behind “Make A Promise Day” and why Matthew, a former congressional representative and CEO speech writer is so passionate about spreading the word about this.  Matthew made a promise to his mother on her death bed that he would finish writing a book he had been discussing with her and then dedicate it to her memory. 

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Small Business Strategies:  The Myth of Multi-tasking

How to make YOUR marketing ideas happen with Scott Belsky

I’ve worked with creatives my entire career and many of my best friends are creative professionals. So I get it. Idea generation is fun – exhilarating even. The feeling you get from coming up with new ideas is probably a lot like the feeling an addict gets from his or her drug of choice. But actually making those ideas happen…well, you’d rather clean toilets in a public restroom.

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Using social media to build a photography business

Using social media to build a photography business

Sarah recently interviewed Gary Vaynerchuk, author of Crush It for Professional Photographer Magazine. If you haven’t heard of Gary Vee, he’s taken the social media world by storm. Owner of a wine store and prolific video blogger, Gary has been at the forefront of social media marketing and his tips can help you use social media to build your photography business, too.

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Small Business Strategies:  The Myth of Multi-tasking

Marketing Ideas: Putting Cafe Joy mailings to use

From time to time, we like to share how our members are using their Cafe Joy mailings for their marketing ideas. Sharon Rentz sent us this postcard that she created from the templates she received in the March Cafe Joy mailing. Way to go, Sharon! Let us know your response!

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Small Business Strategies:  The Myth of Multi-tasking

Small business challenges: Making it easy enough for your customers to buy from you

Brandweek recently featured an article on why today’s complex times have inspired big brands to move toward simpler packaging. While not all boutique business owners have a physical product to sell or even a product that sits on a shelf and has to sell itself without the help of a sales person (unlike a box of cereal or can of soda), the need for consumers to be able to clearly understand what you are offering, without a lot of fluff, is a reality.

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Small Business Strategies:  The Myth of Multi-tasking

Marketing Ideas: Attracting the Senior Market

Even the big guys with the huge marketing budgets are moving to social media to accomplish their sales goals. Just this week in Brandweek, Macy’s and Sears talked about their social marketing plans to attract prom dress shoppers. Sears has a dedicated microsite for prom goers where they can take a quiz to find their prom dress personality, get hair and make up tips and learn the top 10 hottest trends in prom fashion this year.

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Small Business Strategies:  The Myth of Multi-tasking

Small Business Challenges: Discounting Will Devalue Your Brand

I love reading articles about people who have built amazing companies and brands. Usually, there is a person or several people who have a vision and are not willing to sacrifice what they believe in. In WSJ today (The magazine from the Wall Street Journal), it was facscinating to read how Patrizio Bertelli, chief executive of Prada, works with his suppliers and is protective of his brand.

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Small Business Strategies for Growing Your Database

The most important thing you can do as a small business owner is to build and nurture a database of people you have a relationship with who love you, rave about you, and come back over and over. Before cell phones took over, almost everyone had a little black book...

Decide What You’re Worth: Tips on Photography Pricing

I hope you enjoyed our photography pricing event a few weeks ago, Pain-Free Pricing. After talking about pricing, it got me thinking. Back when I started my photography business in 2001 I had no clue what I was doing. I wasn’t profiting and had no idea how to run a...

Charitable Giving – Photographers Helping Small Business

"Do for ONE what you wish you could do for EVERYONE." Andy Stanley Earlier this week, many of our fellow small business owners were impacted by the tornadoes that ripped through Oklahoma. I watched in horror as stories of children, helpless and trapped in an...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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