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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Tamara Lackey Opens Up About Her Successful Photography Business

Tamara Lackey Opens Up About Her Successful Photography Business

Tamara Lackey is an award winning photographer whose images are expressive, authentic and moving. I just got to know Tamara recently and am sure you’ll find her as fascinating as I have. Check out this brief Q and A with Tamara. And if you haven’t already, you can still check out Tamara’s fantastic DVD product at It’s only available until 11:59 pm on 1/1/10 so be sure to check it out!

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Tamara Lackey Opens Up About Her Successful Photography Business

Joy to the World Websummit – Will Crockett

A multi-talented man, in commercial photography, photo education, and a leading consultant, Will Crockett is an asset to the photogenic industry. Pop in on my short Q and A with one of our 28 speakers for today’s FREE Joy to the World Websummit.

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Tamara Lackey Opens Up About Her Successful Photography Business

Our interview with Sandy Puc for the Joy to the World Websummit!

“I push the shutter because at that moment, it is only about how I feel.  Not what I see. Those feelings cannot be captured, they live in my heart. The final images are just a memorial to the moment and the feelings I had. They remind me that I was and still am alive….” That was a quote from Sandy Puc, one of our 28 featured speakers in the Joy to the World Websummit, as she describes what she feels when she takes a photograph. Read more about Sandy Puc in the Q&A interview below.

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Tamara Lackey Opens Up About Her Successful Photography Business

Bruce Hudson’s Interview for the Joy to the World Websummit

With 25 years experience in the business, studying with some of the finest instructors and teachers, which he is now proud to call his own mentors, Bruce Hudson took a moment to share with us a little insight on himself and what has made him so successful. Listen to Bruce Hudson and 27 other speakers from around the world at our Joy to the World Websummitt!

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Tamara Lackey Opens Up About Her Successful Photography Business

Preview this month’s can’t miss Cafe Joy mailing

Hi Joyfriends,

Sarah created this short little preview of what you can miss in this month’s Cafe Joy mailing. You’ll receive it soon, but check out this sneak peek if you want to find out why Sarah thinks it’s one of the BEST education pieces she’s EVER created. CLICK HERE!

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Tamara Lackey Opens Up About Her Successful Photography Business

Joy to the World Websummit Interview with Jerry Ghionis

Check out what I discovered in my interview with Jerry Ghionis. Starting his photography career nearly 15 years ago. Ghionis continues to raise the bar and push the photography industry. Jerry Ghionis joins 27 other speakers in our Joy to the World FREE Websummit.

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Small Business Ideas For Education

I subscribe to a lot of magazines. What can I say…I’m a sucker for the glossy images and the advice-filled articles. I’m intoxicated by all the new ideas (whether it be for dinner tonight or what to wear to that wedding next month). I get excited thinking about the hours of entertainment I get from looking at what other businesses are doing or what the hottest celebrity wore to the big awards.

Update Your Photography Branding

If you’re thinking about rebranding simply because you no longer like the way your font looks or are just bored with the look of your logo, then it’s time to slow down and reconsider. Dramatic changes to your brand just because you feel like spicing things up can create a really big mess. Keep in mind that just because you’re bored with your logo doesn’t mean everyone else is.

The first question to ask yourself is why do you want to rebrand?

PBI Squiggles yellow
Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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