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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Check Out Our New Ebook For The Boutique Business

The Biggest Event of the Year!

Have you heard the news yet? I bet you have. I’m so excited that we’re able to bring to you The Joy to the World FREE Websummit on December 28. Many of you attended our Telesummit in September and LOVED what you heard.

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Check Out Our New Ebook For The Boutique Business

Happy Black Friday!!! Had fun decorating NOT shopping!

What a fun day at the studio! Maggie Day, our college helper (home on break), decked out our foyer for the holidays! The entire Petty/Joy team was off today so they will all be SO surprised when they come in on Monday. Maggie is now cleaning up the mess while I blog – that is more important isn’t it???

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Check Out Our New Ebook For The Boutique Business

A Gift for Cafe Joy members


It’s holiday time so we asked our good friends Tim and Bev Walden to give our Cafe Joy members a gift. Valued at $79, Tim and Bev are giving you their nearly hour long videocap, “Three Product Ideas to Boost Sales in Any Economy” FREE, just for being a Cafe Joy member. Right click on the link and save as to access this free education. Pretty cool! And on top of that, the Waldens are giving you 25% off any web item youpurchase on their site when you use code 25joy at checkout. Read below for a note from Bev about what’s new with the Waldens and enjoy our holiday gift to you!

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Check Out Our New Ebook For The Boutique Business

How to use your FREE holiday card templates

As you know, you have access to 5 holiday card templates just for being members of Cafe Joy. They are available for download right on the resource page of the Pantry. For those of you who aren’t sure how to use them or need a little tutorial, Sarah filmed a quick 10 minute how to yesterday.

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Check Out Our New Ebook For The Boutique Business

Video instructions on how to use Holiday card templates

So many of you are using our holiday card templates that we wanted to give you short little tutorial in Photoshop on how you can drag in images and even change the holiday card template colors. It’s only about 10 minutes long and Sarah had a blast doing it.

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Check Out Our New Ebook For The Boutique Business

To hire or not to hire?

We get several questions about when is the right time to hire an employee. While there is no hard and fast answer, it does first and foremost come down to your financials. However, in today’s world there are options other than hiring a full time employee for us to consider. At The Joy of Marketing and Sarah Petty Photography, we recently hired a part-time, home-based graphic designer. 10 years ago, most people wouldn’t have ever considered that type of work arrangement.

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Small Business Blog: How To Overcome Mistakes

Like it or not, sticky situations happen all the time when you’re a small business owner. And when they do, they create the perfect opportunity for you, as a boutique business, to step up. Think about it. If you can overcome a negative situation with a customer, you take that customer beyond basic satisfaction. Now they’re not displeased—they’re thrilled.

Marketing Help For Boutique Businesses

When you’re a boutique business, your marketing efforts must be boutique as well. Boutique marketing is focused on reaching customers who aren’t price sensitive, customers who want and appreciate all the extra things you do to make their lives better. Your marketing materials need to scream, “You’re the most important part of our day!” Discounters are focused on reaching large numbers of people who are motivated by low prices. The way they market can attract lots of customers. But it doesn’t appeal to people who want the high-touch experiences.

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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