Small Business Strategies: Don’t Discount Add A Value-Added Incentive

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

For our first Small Business Marketing Ideas Podcast, Sarah and I discuss one of our favorite topics, Discounting!

When you discount, you devalue your brand, teach your best clients to wait for a sale, and attract the wrong type of buyers – those who are price-sensitive. You set yourself up for problems that stick around far longer than the period you have discounted your products or services. In other words, a one day sale, can have much longer lasting effects on your brand than just the sale day.

On our podcast, we talk about 3 alternative ideas for your small business to add value to your products and services so you don’t have to discount.

Tune in to learn how to:

1) Use value-added incentives

2) Create a product or experience that renders price LESS of an objection

3) Give more of YOU!

Listen to the Small Business Marketing Ideas Podcast and check out the Podcast Transcripts now.

And if you like what you hear,  you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes. Every few weeks we’ll publish a new episode of ideas for your small business to help you make more money. Be sure to leave a comment on iTunes, too, so we make sure we’re producing content that helps you!



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