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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Climb Up to Higher Ground | A Helpful Business Marketing Strategy

Make Calling a Client a New Small Business Strategy Goal.

It’s Monday. The day is half over. When was the last time you picked up the phone and called a client for no reason? To start your week off with a blast, what I want you to do right now is to go through your database and find a recent client. Call her and ask how her order was. Listen to what she is saying. Take notes and enter it into your database program. If there is anything you need to get, find or follow up with, do it IMMEDIATELY after you get off the phone.

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Climb Up to Higher Ground | A Helpful Business Marketing Strategy

Holiday Card Marketing Ideas….Have You Started Yours Yet?

While you may think the holidays are miles away, when it comes to marketing your small business, now is the time to start thinking about a creative holiday card. Each year, we spend months preparing for, shooting and designing our family (and business) holiday card. I started this card when my husband and I got married in 1997 and each year is one of a numbered series which creates excitement and anticipation for those who receive it each year.

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Climb Up to Higher Ground | A Helpful Business Marketing Strategy

A “Fresh” Business Marketing Strategy

If you have a retail space or if your clients come to your home, it is important to SHOW them you have fresh and creative products and services as much as you tell them. I love to have fresh flowers and even grass inside my studio (and while clients typically don’t come to my home, it makes me so happy to have them there too). These activities are part of your marketing and branding because they form the perceptions of those who visit you and create value for your products and services.

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Climb Up to Higher Ground | A Helpful Business Marketing Strategy

Better Brand Building By Treating Clients Better

I received this post card in the mail this week and it reminded me that all customers should not be treated equal. The closest clothing store to my house is JCPenneys and we are there often because (it seems like) we are always needing something. Because of this, I was able to find out about their upcoming sale BEFORE the general public. When it comes to small business marketing, it builds loyalty when you treat your current clients much better than your prospects.

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Get Photography Clients: 4 Easy-to-Create Marketing Videos

Video gets a bad rap.I get it. I used to hate it, too. So using it to get photography clients was the LAST thing on my mind. Mostly, I think, because I was scared of it. I didn’t know how to edit video footage so I just opted out of dealing with it when considering...

Got 30 Minutes? Fast Steps to a Clean Home Photo Studio

The grandparents just called and good news! They want to take your kids out for the afternoon. YESSSSS! You’ve been meaning to have some quiet time in your home photo studio to download the wedding you shot this weekend and to catch up on some retouching. You’ve tied...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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